Storytelling/Level Design

Better Game Characters by Design: A Psychological Approach

Interesting book from Katherine Isbister about social psychology principles that are applicable for game characters design.

Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering

A book about emotions in games from David Freeman. It’s old (2003), and some methodologies might look controversial, but I found this book interesting.

Creating the Active Cinematic Experience of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

GDC lecture from Neil Druckmann and Bruce Straley about Naughty Dog approach to storytelling in Uncharted 2.

Get Your Game out of my Movie! Interactive Storytelling in Mass Effect 2

GDC lecture from Armando Troisi about Bioware Narrative Design in Mass Effect 2.

Contrastive Juxtaposition: Contrast and Context in BioWare Story and Cinematics

GDC lecture from Jonathan Perry about Bioware approach to cinematics design.

Emotional Journey: BioWare’s Methods to Bring Narrative into Levels

GDC lecture from Dave Feltham about Bioware approach to combining Narrative and Level Design in Mass Effect 3.